Web Design, Logo Design, and Branded Apparel for a local online coaching business based in Livingston, MT.
Visit the Full Website HERE.
Thomas Endurance Coaching was running a successful coaching business and came to M Design Group to discuss a rebrand when they felt that their logo and website no longer represented them well. TEC's main mission is to combine the art and science of coaching to help athletes succeed, so the logo design concept was a combination of the charts and graphs that coaches use to analyze athlete data, and the mountains that surround the culture of ultramarathon and mountain bike training. Once the logo was complete we did a full website overhaul to modernize design and functionality and also provided stickers, patch hats, buffs, backpacks, and shirts to sell in their online store.
TEC also hosts a podcast called Endurance Minded that they trusted us to design a parallel brand for. You can see that logo and website HERE.